Who are we?

Elinor och Johan FalkmanThe family business Falkman Råd & Retorik is a rhetoric agency founded in 1987. We have, since the beginning, trained and coached people from all over the world in the techniques of convincing, the mechanics of creating excitement, and the tools needed for arguing, inspiring and selling.

Since 2015, Falkman Råd & Retorik has been managed by brother and sister, Elinor and Johan Falkman.

Elinor Falkman


Elinor has a master’s degree in HR from Uppsala University with rhetoric and law studies as part of her degree. At 19, she began working with rhetoric in the family business and has over the years worked as a course leader, teacher and coach. Elinor has also worked with organizational development, sales, as a rhetoric teacher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), a tour guide and as a judge in UR’s (the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) youth program’s Retorikmatchen. She prefers to spend any spare time traveling and can often be found with her family in the Stockholm archipelago.

Johan Falkman


Johan has a degree in journalism from the University of Stockholm, including rhetoric studies in Uppsala and studies in both Melbourne and Sydney as part of the degree. He has worked at Falkman Råd & Retorik since 2003 as a course leader, lecturer and consultant. Johan has previously worked as a freelance copywriter, speechwriter, singer in commercials and feature producer. He usually spends his leisure time running and is often found in close proximity to his band IIIII (Lines) studio.